October 19, 2008

Be careful who builds your house

This post has been brewing for awhile...

On either side of our place, houses have been started. Both of them make me wonder if either company has any regard for the person who will own them.

The first two pictures are of a spec house that was started early summer, and most of the framing materials have been sitting outside ever since. If you don't know what Iowa weather does to lumber, throw a piece outside in the dirt, let it get wet, then baked by the sun over and over and see how good of condition it is in after a month. Then take that times 5 and that is what this house will be built out of.

These pictures were taken about a month or so ago and if you drive by now, you'll see all the 2x6 studs all bowed and warped. Nice.

This next house really baffled me. The builder started out right, then took a big shortcut by backfilling their house with black dirt pulled out of a ditch. Generally that is a big no-no, but what made it worse is the dirt was filled with roots and other organic material, meaning the dirt will constantly be settling around the house for years as things decompose.

I know I still have a lot to learn about building a superior house, but I hope I never lose passion of trying to do it right.


Mark said...

I liked this post. Very informative.

todd said...

that is pretty jacked up brother. luckily there are watchdogs like yourself who do quality work and can point would-be homebuilders in the right direction

Anonymous said...

Great post... scary, but great info.