March 5, 2008

"Whatchu talkin 'bout Willis" Wednesday

My good friend Todd gave me an idea with this post. My whole life I have heard people exclaim, "Whatchu talking ‘bout Willis," followed by massive amounts of laughter as if I have never heard that before. Well, I decided to start a new series of blogging called "Whatchu talking ‘bout Willis" Wednesday. It may last a week, maybe a month, who knows. It will contain items of interest to me that I think other people should know about as well. Here’s the first week's effort…..

The Seven Deadly Sins That Lead to Debt

1. Envy
The rich and famous luxury items are accessible now more than ever -- and without the wealth they once implied. With more and more people sporting expensive goods, it's easy to feel left out and far behind.

2. Forget that pride goes before a fall
Pride can get in the way of preparing for worst-case scenarios.

3. Be slothful with finances
Finances tend to be complicated and require some mental manipulation of the most dreaded of all things: numbers. Failure to pay attention to loan terms and due dates can have severe consequences.

4. Get greedy when borrowing
Why buy an economy car when you can get a loan for twice as much and ride around in style?

5. Feel wrathful at everyone but yourself
Blame others for your own financial missteps. That way you never have to learn anything new.

6. Be gluttonous
You deserve that cookie so go ahead and eat it and maybe a couple more for good measure. While you're at it, buy the bedroom set you can't afford but deeply desire.

7. Let lust lead you into spending
What can a little coveting hurt if no action is taken?

(article from entire article can be read

1 comment:

Todd said...

so that's whatchur talkin' 'bout, Willis. I've always wondered.