March 13, 2008

What happened to my lunch?

An odd thing happened to Allison and I this morning. I got up and "made" my lunch for the day. (basically this means i put a frozen burrito, a banana and some cheese in a hy-vee bag) i then went to get ready for the day. Allison then came out to the kitchen and assembled her lunch for the day. She threw some salad, salad dressing, a banana, and a few other things in a hy-vee bag. She then came back to tell me goodbye, grabbed her stuff and headed out.

A few minutes later, i came out and was mystified by how my wonderful lunch had been transformed. "Is she trying to tell me something?" I thought. I figured that probably wasn't the case though and decided to head to the bank and switch her. It may be the first time the drive up window at the bank has been used as a trive thru food exchange. Her fellow employees enjoyed it though.

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