December 15, 2008

Makenna and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

What do you do with a little girl who doesn't sleep?

Our little Makenna decided Sunday shouldn't actually be a day of rest. After a restless night before, she woke up at 7 am, then pretty much stayed awake all day. She slept a few minutes in the morning and a few in the afternoon, but pretty much was awake all day.

Believe it or not, she behaved quite well. She was too interested in looking at exciting things such as the ceiling, walls, floor, furniture, and other way cool things. Eventually, she fell asleep about 4 and was konked out all evening until feeding time, and then went back to sleep.

She slept a little better today, but not much. How frustrating, especially for Allison who has to deal with her all day.

Have any of you parents had similar experiences with a 9 week old and if so, did you do anything to help or did it go away on its own? Maybe we are just bad parents. Or maybe we are simply too fascinating of parents and Makenna feels like she will be missing out on something if she falls asleep.

Any advice or encouragement would be wonderful!


Anonymous said...

I remember having those days with both of our kids. Along with the days when they slept all day and we thought they were slipping into a coma. I'm not sure it if was growth spurts or something in the water or what but it just kinda happened once in a while. There was never a bad result of it so I think Makenna just wanted to hang out :-) The other night Maddy decided to hang out at 3 am! Kids are always looking for a way to throw you a curveball :-)

Steph said...

My advice is check out the book called "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Weissbluth. It got me through many questions about our kids...and still does because it explains how the sleep cycle works and how to "train" your kids to sleep well. Believe it or not, it really works! (although, you may have to endure some crying when you are in the early stages of training). At her age, she's probably not quite ready for that, but the day will arrive soon! :) All I can say is I'm so glad I read this because it fed my "scientist" brain all the information I craved but at the same time gave practical advice on how to set up a healthy sleep schedule. Our kids all go to sleep with virtually no problems, at a nice early hour now!

clarkitect said...

All I have to say is talk to Hollie. Exact repeat of Gabe. We will discuss this evening.

Todd said...

Spank her. Or put her outside for 5 minutes. I wondered how long it would take for Jared's genes to come to the surface. We have our answer.

Hollie said...

I see Carl already said to talk to me because Gabe was the same way. Gabe was the same way and it was extremely frustrating so I understand what you are going through. We did sleep training with him and it worked so well it was amazing! Completely different kid. Like he said we can talk tonight but don't ever be afraid to give me a call or email me if you have a question(not that I know everything) or just need to vent a little. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Having raised 4+ kids I think you should be thankful it wasn't through the night. And remember before you know it they will be awake all day, every day and you will still have all those things to do. Enjoy each day you have with her. By the way San Diego is a great place to visit!!