November 30, 2011

What You Talkin' Bout Willis

Still changing things up a bit on "What You Talkin' Bout Willis Wednesday".

I, as in Allison, have high-jacked "What You Talkin' Bout Willis Wednesday" this week. And probably for the next few weeks or until Jared wants to reclaim his creation. So on to what I'm talkin' about.

As I mentioned yesterday we started our Jesse Tree last night.

If you are unfamiliar with a Jesse Tree you can see my previous post here.

But we are doing it a bit more structured this year. All the stories are the same just a bit more detailed with the devotional/application part. I found a great resource for Jesse Tree devotionals and Bible Stories on a favorite blog of mine, A Holy Experience. So that is what we are using this year.

I am really looking forward to using this to help guide us through celebrating Advent.

If you are interested in down loading a free copy all you have to do is click here to see a preview and subscribe to the blog.

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