August 30, 2008

Just Back Off

Jared and I decided that we wanted to make a bookshelf for LBJ's nursery. Well, I came up with the idea and with very little persuasion Jared agreed to the carpentry work. Between the two of us we came up with a simple design and went with it. Here are some pictures of the construction from the beginning to the end.

At this point, Jared wanted me to just simply and steadily hold the sides in place while he nailed the shelves into place. Because Jared is very detailed with his work, after each shelf was added he would make sure it was level. Well here is where I thought I could help out even more by offering my view of level. I was quickly informed (only after dropping the level 3 times...and who knew that they are one tool you don't want to drop) to "just back off" and let Jared handle the rest by himself. Side note....Jared wants me to make it quite clear none of this was said in frustration. It was just really funny and we both laughed quite a while about how I kept getting in his way.

This is the finished shelf. I love it and think that Jared did a wonderful job. Now this project is finished he can get started on our bed frame!!!


todd said...

nicely done. people who can build stuff amaze me.

Steph said...

A piece of unsolicited advice from our experience...get a zip tie or something of that nature to attach the bookshelf to the wall. LBJ will be climbing to the top in no time, and gravity being what it is, s/he may pull it down on top of her/his little self!!