July 11, 2008

No More Bed Rest!!!!

Yep that is right, no more bed rest for this chick for now and hopefully the rest of the pregnancy.

The doctor's appointment went well today. No further dilation or increase in the contractions. We haven't got any test results back yet since I just went to the doctor this morning but even without all the test results the doctor says everything is looking good. We also got to see L.B.J. again in an ultrasound and of course he/she was not cooperating so we still don't have very good pictures. I hope this isn't a sign of how stubborn he/she will be once they are born! I'll take what I get though!!!

On a more personal and serious note. I want to thank all of you who have been praying for Jared, L.B.J. and I. Your prayers have been such a blessing and I have felt the power of your prayers numerous times over the past week. So THANK YOU!

God has continued to increase my trust in Him and His will throughout this interesting weekend and week. I see now, even more than before, my part is small in comparison to His when it comes to our developing baby. It is by God's will that all things happen. By His grace and His alone I will be able to carry our baby full term. And if He has a different plan I know that He will be by my side the whole step of the way. I will leave you all with a verse that has been a major encouragement to me the past week.

Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.

Thanks again for your prayers! I cannot stress enough how helpful they have been!!!


Anonymous said...

We are happy to hear that all is well in your little family. Just relax this weekend and see you on Monday!!

Hollie said...

This is such great news! Glad to hear no more bed rest and LBJ will stay baking for awhile longer. Sounds like LBJ is a stubborn little guy/gal, not giving mom and dad any good pictures:)

Brenda Rae said...

AWESOME!!!! We are so thrilled! We have been praying for you and baby "Dumpster" or Annie (Ally's ideas) or "Andy" or "Hibary" (yes a "B" Drew's ideas). We can't wait to meet our new cousin.

With lots of slobbery love,

Drew & Ally

todd said...

super cool willises!!!!