June 18, 2008

"We Voted"

So here are some quick pregnancy updates for ya'll before we leave for vacation.

1. L.B.J moves around a ton....which is a great thing. See Jared's previous post for more of a description.

2. For the first time in my life I find myself getting overly hot way too quickly. Now I can somewhat understand why some people think being hot is worse than being cold.

3. My appetite is nothing like normal. One day I will be hungry all day long and the next day I will be full after eating two bites of something. It seems to be worse in the mornings.

4. I have gained 10 pounds total. And I am pretty happy about it. Really I am. It is fun to start to show. Even though most of you think that I am hardly showing, Jared and I both notice a significant difference in the size of my belly now and pre-pregnancy. And MY PANTS DON'T LIE FOLKS!!!!!!

5. I have decided that when ever I would like something or would not like something to happen, we as a family should vote. That being said, I always win because L.B.J. and I seem to think a lot alike! Poor Jared gets out numbered every time. Maybe when L.B.J. is no longer inside of me some of his/her thoughts will be different than mine. But for now 99% of the time it is L.B.J. and I verses Jared.

6. My back aches slightly after shaving my legs. My solution before the problem gets worse, Jared needs to learn how to shave my legs. Jared's solution, I will just have hairy legs. Well "we voted" and he loses because I don't care if he doesn't mind hairy legs, I do! (and it bothers L.B.J. too....he/she thinks that it is embarrassing for grown women to have hairy legs.) I couldn't agree more with L.B.J!

That is it for now.

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