September 7, 2011

Makenna's First Day of Preschool

Yesterday Makenna had her first day of Preschool. For those interested she is attending a very informal type of preschool. It is called a preschool co-op and held once a week for 2 hour. There are only 3 other kiddos in her class and the teaching and location rotates each week so that each mama has a turn to teach at her house.

The curriculum is very simple. Bible story and verse. Letter and sound introduction/recognition. Simple math skills (counting, patterns, coins, sorting). Calendar introduction (month, day, and year). Other social skills like sitting still during the teaching time, writing, cutting, coloring in lines, and raising hands before talking will be taught as well.

Makenna was very excited for her first day and she had a blast. I'm excited for Makenna to learn from the other kiddos (who are all older than her, she is by far the youngest as she isn't even 3 yet). I can't wait (and a little sad) to see how much she will grow up over the next year.


jeanne and david said...

Just love her to pieces - glad she had a fun time...

todd said...

I went to preschool when I was 2 as well. I don't remember any of it other than making homemade donuts. That may explain alot in terms of my food preferences and my intelligence :)