I decided that since I have recently updated about both Colin and Kyla I would do a quick update on Makenna too.
Here are a few things that stand out about Makenna @ 4 1/2 :
She loves to color.
She REALLY likes to play Sequence for Kids. She is also a fan of many other board games but this by far is her favorite.
She still lives in princess land. Although it has tamed down a bit.
She loves animals. She doesn't even discriminate. She likes to let bugs crawl on her hands and pick up worms. Inside I am thinking "that is gross" but outwardly I encourage her because really it isn't that gross and it even 'cool' (her word not mine) to Makenna.
Her vocabulary and word comprehension shocks me at times...in a good way. A few highlighted words in her vocabulary; familiar, particularly, precisely, and exactly.
She would rotate eating grilled cheese, pizza, or pb&j for every meal if I let her.