- Weight - 18 pounds 13 ounces
- Height - 29 inches
10 Months
- Eats all table food
- Drinks from a cup with meals and snack
- Loves pulling things out of drawers and baskets, also loves pulling things off shelves
- Walking well
- Likes playing with blocks...aka knocking over towers
- Climbs up the stairs
- Gives high fives
- Likes turning pages of her books but only will sit still while you read to her when she is tired
- Signs "milk" and "all done"
- Loves to play Peek-a-Boo
- When asked "Where is Makenna's baby?" , she will go find her doll
- Loves to dance
- Loves to bring books to you to read to her - favorites are touch and feel or flap books
- Can stack one block on another
- Puts toys into containers - doesn't just empty stuff anymore
- Signs "please"
- Will rock her doll in her arms and put her in her rocking chair and rock her
- Climbs on anything and everything
- Great at problem solving...aka moves somethings she has the ability to climb on next to something she doesn't so that she is able to climb on the reachable thing
- Whenever someone is eating she come running... guess we must not feed her enough