Our room seemed to have a revolving door this morning as nurses, doctors, midwives, pediatricians, and more nurses all came in to check on Allison and Makenna. It appears all things are a go to head home soon after lunch. She should get her staples out here this morning and then it is time to have a nurse give her a bath. (Makenna, not Allison)
The best part of the morning was when Allison's midwife, who she really really likes, was holding Makenna and she had her first big spit up - all over her midwife. Very nice.
As busy as the last few days have been, I've had a little time to reflect on a few things. Here they are in no particular order...
-Birth is quite a miracle. To think that a baby could develop so perfectly for 9 months, fit inside her mother, and be born knowing exactly how to nurse is amazing to me. To witness first hand all the little joys of birth was more incredible than words can really describe.
-A screaming baby can be both wonderful and frustrating at the same time.
-Holding your own little one as she looks up at you with wide eyes is one of few life experiences that will be truly be remembered forever.
-Having visitors stop over to ooh and ahh is fun, provided they always get to change at least one diaper before they leave. :-) You are next Grandpa Jim.
-Hospital cots are the worst. Next time I will bring an air mattress. I've been to Guatemala, central Africa and camped all over and never laid on something so uncomfortable. Try sleeping on a bunch of 30 year old slinkies with a piece of cardboard over them and you'll get the idea.
-My wife is wonderful. She has been a champion of recovery and has almost always had a smile on her face. Plus she puts up with me. 3 days in a little room with me would drive most people crazy.
-I've made way too many references to past experiences with baby calves and sheep. While somewhat helpful at times, they generally prove to be annoying over time.
-It was nice not going to work these two days. I like my job, but this is way better. And apparently some subs can still work without a chaperone.
-We are excited to head home. While the constant supervision and advice is nice, I know we can figure it out in our own place.
-Makenna is such a blessing. Who would have thought after what happened in July, Allison would be able to carry full term and bring a new life into this world that is perfect in every way.