i bought my truck when i graduated college in 2001. It was two years old already, making it 9 years old now. I've been blessed that it has run so well for me for this long. Even so, it really stinks when it is time for repairs.
Today i was parked at Kum and Go getting gas. as i went to leave, i immediately thought i was sliding, but it was snowing and i had it in 4 wheel drive, so i didn't think much of it. well, about 30 feet later, i knew i was driving kinda sideways so i got out to look for anything obviously wrong, like a wheel off. Nothing out of the ordinary so i tried driving again. now i knew there was a problem since it wouldn't go forward. nuts.
luckily i still had reverse, so backed up out of the way and contemplated my options. one wheel wasn't turning so i could (a.) try to fix it myself even though i really don't know what was wrong (b.) call a tow truck (c.) drive it to a repair shop - its slick, that wheel can just slide (d.) rig some sort of contraption that would allow for the wheel to be elevated and let the other 3 wheels drive and brake.
i ended up decided a tow truck was my best option. 30 minutes and 100 bucks later, the truck and i were at the repair shop. a friend gave me a ride home and soon i got the analysis...broken axle drum, leaking brake line, bad rear master cylinder, bad johnson rod, blinker fluid was empty and i needed a new muffler belt. or something. "it will be at least 645 dollars, but we'll get you safe again...." great. fantastic. no coupon to trickles auto repair.
yeah, it wasn't a great day, but at least it didn't happen while i was driving down the interstate or in the middle of the night. right?